Phoneme RKM S. 381/382 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vowels IY beet IH bit EH bet AE bat AA hot AH under AO talk UH look ER bird OH border AX* about IX* solid Diphtongs EY made AY hide OY boil AW power OW low UW crew Consonants R red L yellow W away Y yellow M men N men NX sing SH rush S sail TH thin F fed ZH pleasure Z has DH then V very J judge CH check /C loch /H hole P put B but T toy D dog G guest K Commodore Special Symbols DX pity (tongue flap) Q kitt_en (glottal stop) QX pause (silent vowel) RX car (postvocalic LX call R and L) Contractions UL = AXL IL = IXL UM = AXM IM = IXM UN = AXN IN = IXN Digits and Punctuation Digits 1-9 Syllabic stress . Period - sentence final character ? Question mark - sentence final character - Dash - phrase delimiter , Comma - clause delimiter () Parentheses - noun phrase delimiters